Nilpeter MO3300


1 Unwind unit
1 Infeed
1 M platform (can be used for flexo, screen and hotfoil)
6 MO platforms (can be used for flexo, screen, hotfoil and offset)
1 M platform  (can be used for flexo, screen and hotfoil)
2 Die cutting unit
1 Non stop waste rewind
1 Rewind unit
1 Web video
1 GMI inking control system

1 Plate bending unit
3 x 5 offset cassettes + magnetic die
1 x Flexo cassette
2 x Screen cassettes
1 x Hotfoil cassette with oil heater
2 x Trolleys

UV system                          GEW VCP-38-8 (building year 2006)
Chilling system                   GEW Chill rollers
Infeed unit                          Infeed unit upgraded to MKII
General condition               This press is generally in a much better condition compared to other presses, even much newer presses.

The press has been following a continuous service, carried out by Nilpeter A/S and an in-depth renovation (refurbishment) in 2006.

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